Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Detox That Wasn't

I've come to the realization that the only way I'm going to actually enjoy (or at least tolerate) the drinking part of detoxing is if I make the drinks myself. The juice detox I attempted to do was disgusting and I just couldn't get through it. Out of 6 drinks, I only liked one, so after trying to choke down the other drinks for about half a day, I finally gave up. On the plus side, during the elimination diet, your body is already starting to detox because it's not getting the usual chemicals/foods that you normally eat, so I do think I got some benefits from the experience. However, I think the next time I do this, I will find some smoothie recipes and make my own detox drinks at home.

The elimination diet definitely was worse this time than last time. I had a horrible migraine that lasted from Wednesday afternoon until about 7pm Saturday night, even though I stopped doing the detox drinks at about 2 in the afternoon on Saturday. I cut out caffeine and sweets on the first day, red meat on the second day, other meat and dairy on the 3rd day, and then just had fruits and veggies on the last day. I feel like, even though I didn't do the full detox, I did reap some benefits from the elimination diet.

I'm not sure when I'll attempt another detox, though I'm hoping sometime in January/February. Another perk to doing it myself is I can choose how long I want to do it, and I could do a day or a two day detox diet instead of 3 days. Three days is difficult to accomplish with my work schedule and having kidlet home, so I feel like if I did a two day, I could just pick a weekend she's with her father. Usually, I try to find a long weekend she's there, but if I only did two days, I could easily do it while she's gone and then be ready to start eating solid foods again on Monday.

Anyway, I would NOT recommend the Juice from the Raw detox, unless you are used to drinking juiced vegetables. The only juice I liked was the Piney Apple Mint drink.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Preparing to Detox, Round 2

                Even though I hated the drinks in the Kaeng Raeng cleanse, I decided to try detoxing again as it seems like more issues have popped up since having my Mirena removed last December. But I knew I couldn’t stomach that cleanse again, so I decided to try a full juice cleanse. I’ve ordered from Juice from the Raw, their whenever cleanse. I plan to start it Saturday and give my system a good clean right before Thanksgiving. The timing isn’t the greatest, but the winter months are already hitting hard and I worry that my issues will be exacerbated by the cold.

                So, basically, my latest issue is my skin. I have horrible eczema on my right hand, though it’s cleared up a bit on my left, it has spread to my legs in recent weeks. I’m constantly trying not to scratch at it, but the itching is ridiculous and sometimes it just really hurts. I’ve been putting cortizone cream on my hands with lotion, and that has been helping, but it’s not curing. My next stop after the cleanse will be a dermatologist, but I want to at least give this a try. My job is adding a ridiculous requirement to their health care plans that requires me to get a PCP and take a health survey. They will then send the results of that survey to me and I have to take it in to my PCP and have them sign off that they spoke with me about it. My hatred of doctors is making me resent my employers, but if I don’t do it, I face hefty fines. So, I figure when I get the survey, I’ll find a PCP and schedule a physical, and then I’ll dump all my problems on that poor unsuspecting soul all in one visit and get any referrals I need!

                Once again, in preparing to detox, I’ve started the not-so-fun elimination diet. I kicked the caffeine and sugar habit on Monday, yesterday was my last day of red meat. Today will be my last day of any meat and dairy. Tomorrow I give up bread, which means Friday will be a long day of just fruits, veggies and water. *sigh* Eric is taking me to get sushi on Friday night for dinner. No raw fish for me, just the vegetarian stuff. I’m not a fan of “real” sushi anyway, so it works out that the place we go to has a vegetarian platter. I had it before my last cleanse and it was surprisingly really good, particularly their avocado roll. Then Saturday, I start my cleanse. Kidlet is with her dad until Monday night, so I have a good 3 days to just feel miserable while I try to restart my body. I’ve rescheduled appointments and just plan to sit at home and watch the Gilmore Girls while I feel like hell. :P I’m not sure if it’ll be as bad this time or not, but I’m prepared for the worst. Maybe it’ll be better since I lost some weight between my last cleanse and this one? One can dream…

                I just hope the drinks aren’t as disgusting as the last ones were. It’s nice that they are pre-made and bottled so all I have to do is open a bottle and start drinking. GroupOn had a deal for this place, which cut the price essentially in half. I figure I’ll have two full days after the cleanse to ease back into eating normal food before the smorgasbord of food on Thanksgiving, and even then, I can limit what I put on my plate. We’re having Thanksgiving with Eric’s family at his sister’s house and it’s my year with kidlet, so she’ll get to meet all of his family. I don’t have her for Christmas this year, which sucks, but at least I know I won’t hear her pounding on my door at 5 am on Christmas begging to go see the presents. :P We’re supposed to have Christmas with my family the Sunday before so they can see her open presents and we can exchange with them as well. I’m not planning on going down for the traditional Christmas Eve dinner and gift exchange because Eric isn’t off that day and we’re not sure how early he could leave the office. So, I’m planning on just cooking us a meal for two and then Christmas Day we’ll spend with my extended family.

                Haven’t updated in a while, but life has been pretty hectic. I had to plan a conference for work in October, which took a lot of time and effort on my part. I’ve asked the head of the conference to please plan it for November next year if she wants me to attend because I don’t want to plan it in the middle of making final plans for the wedding, and I plan to be off a lot in October next year, so I wouldn’t really be around to help anyway. But we’re slowly getting things together. We have quite a few vendors booked and will work on the rest in the coming months. Having 2 years was probably the best decision I ever made. I don’t feel very stressed about it right now, but I expect that to change as this final year draws towards a close.

                I will try to update each day of the cleanse like I did before. We’ll see how well I do!